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Ash Mehta

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Social Media with Ash Mehta


Ash Mehta
3169 Melbourne, Australia
CEO & Founder
About me:
Ash is happily wedded to the online world for over 10 years now. He brings with him over 8+ years experience in Internet technologies and 5+ years of successful Internet marketing. A pure-bred search engine strategist, Ash founded Mitash with the main focus of delivering clients with the desired RoI and conversion. "My team and I are passionate about every project we embark upon. We don't just put...


Ash Mehta
Melbourne Area, Australia
Digital Marketing Strategist. Expert in e-Commerce, Search Engine & Social Media Optimisation, Marketing & Advertising
Mitash - Results Driven Digital Marketing & Interactive Advertising Agency (Privately Held; Marketing and Advertising industry): Director,  (January 2003-Present) we specialise in... - Strategy & Consulting - SEO, Internet & Search Marketing - Social Media Optimisatio...