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Christine Howes. From 1900 until as late as the 1980s, governments around Australia controlled wages, savings and benefits belonging to Aboriginal people who were under their care ...
Christine Howes. Calls for a national levy from former governor-generals and prime ministers, headlines in two states' Sunday papers, supportive candidates in the Queensland state ...
Quandamooka/Redlands Shire Appoint Co-ordinator for Study THE Quandamooka ... Christine Howes
This report depends entirely upon volunteers; if you can help, contact Christine Howes chowes (at) or the ANTaR office in your state http://www ...
By Christine Howes. From 1900 until as late as the 1980s, governments around Australia controlled wages, savings and benefits belonging to Aboriginal ...
Christine Howes. From 1900 until as late as the 1980s, governments around Australia controlled wages, savings and benefits belonging to Aboriginal people who were under ...
BY CHRISTINE HOWES. Chances are, if you happen into a library or government building around Brisbane, there will be a painting, mural or sculpture depicting some aspect of ...
Source: © 2003 Christine Howes . Further information: stolen wages issues page - includes news index and external links : First Australians. a new documentary