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David Wolfe

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David Wolfe
11217 Brooklyn, United States
Consultant Kashmir Project
 Monterey Institute of International Studies (International Policy Studies, Master of Arts International Policy Studies), Waseda University, Tokyo Japan (Japanese as a Foreign Language, Cultural Anthropology, Pacific Rim Studies, Graduate International Division), Portland State University (International Studies East Asia and Africa, Japanese as a Foreign Language, BA ...
Seeking employment
English (First language), Japanese (Fluent)
  (Consultant Kashmir Project), Trend Pot- Chopsticks Magazine (Freelance Journalist), Kashmiri American Council (Government and Media Relations Director), American Council on Africa (Volunteer Program Director), Ai-Eye Japanese Culture and Entertainment Magazine (Freelance Journalist)
International Affairs, International Development, Human Security, Conflict Resolution, Micro-Finance, Emerging Markets, Mediation, Journalism, Policy Analysis, Government Relations, International Non-Profit, Program Evaluation, Education
Eight Years Experience in International Relations, Affairs, International Policy Analysis, Journalism, Cultural Anthropology, Japanese as a Foreign Language, Teaching, Program Evaluation, Internship Supervisor, Youth Development Officer, Conflict Resolution and Human Security Analyst, Human Rights Advocate and Advisor, International Policy Expertise in Northeast, Southeast and South Asia, Africa, ...
International Affairs, International Development, Human Security, Journalism, Cultural Anthropology, Cross-Cultural Exchange, International Policy, Micro-Finance, Conflict Resolution, Human Rights, Human Security, Trade and Development, Gender Rights
About me:
I am seeking employment in the field of international relations, development or human security; with the intent of utilizing my capacities and knowledge of international affairs/policy, security and development, human rights, international conflict, international law, trade and finance, program evaluation and cultural anthropology.


David De Wolfe
Sydney Area, Australia
Sustainability Program Manager at Bovis Lend Lease