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Both works develop Louise Hall’s unique bilingual music theatre works: 1 Italian, 1 German, 4 French with an Italian and a Japanese work in planning; and Kerry Casey ...
Directed by Kerry Casey . Coco Chanel « la reine de la haute couture » Marie Curie « deux prix Nobel pour la science » Jeanne d’Arc « sainte et conseillère de l’armée ...
... improvisations with sessions exploring physical, voice, acting and performance making exercises. By Don Mamouney, Carlos Gomez,Rebecca Kypri and Kerry Casey.
Co-Devisors: Claudia Alessi, Kerry Casey, Alexandra Harrison, Ingrid Kleinig, Rowan Marchingo, Kirk Page and Telford Scully Designer: Kathryn Sproul
Co-Devisors: Claudia Alessi, Kerry Casey, Alexandra Harrison, Ingrid Kleinig, Rowan Marchingo, Kirk Page and Telford Scully Designer: Kathryn Sproul
By Louise Hall with Kerry Casey - Theatre LOTE. Original music by Hall & van Sint Jan. Directed by Kerry Casey. Suitable: Yrs 7-12 & Festivals
Our owner Kerry Casey is a licensed travel agent under the requirements of the ACT. The agency is a member of the Travel Compensation Fund ...
Directed by Kerry Casey . Coco Chanel « la reine de la haute couture » Marie Curie « deux prix Nobel pour la science » Jeanne d’Arc « sainte et conseillère de l ...