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Shane Thomas

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Social Media with Shane Thomas


Shane Thomas
Maroochydore, Australia
Sole Trader
About me:
I am a Kiwi Living in Australia and they say hello with a Gidday Mate. I was born in Waihi, north island New Zealand back in 1969, wow time fly's. Up until my Mum found a solid foothold, we had moved from town to town, school to bloody school, at one stage for each year it was a different house we moved into. God Bless my Mum, she tried so hard. I went to Waihi Collage till the end of 1982 then m...


Shane Thomas
Melbourne Area, Australia
Learning and Development Manager at Crown Melbourne Limited
Crown Melbourne Limited (Public Company; Gambling & Casinos industry): Learning and Development Manager,  (July 2010-Present) My role is responsible for the reputation, resourcing and operation of Crowns premier training facility Crown College. Working closely with our busi...