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That’s the top-ranked answer (42 per cent) among reasons given by infrequent attenders and non-attenders for not going to church (see “Top 10 reasons people don’t go to church
"My bruises won't go away?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo!7 Answers.
Why don't more Australians go to church? Many express interest in spiritual issues, and there are high levels of occasional contact between the churches and the community.
"I can't go wireless with my Linksys plz help!?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo!7 Answers.
signs t'go - Creating a signage that creates business is our forte, making your business more visible and increasing awareness among customers.
What is noted in Why People Dont Go to Church is the relationship between the presence of contemporary worship and the percentage of newcomers in congregations.