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As guests relax in the Grand Ballroom at Tattersall’s Club, Queensland Ballet’s Alison Kardash will guide us through the afternoon as our musicians share their fascinating ...
Alison Kardash : Business Development: Project Co-ordinator Education : Dr Philip Barker: Lauren McKean : Finance Manager: Finance Administrator
Bookings are essential and close on Friday, May 21. Please phone Alison Kardash on 07 3013 6624 to book or for more information, or visit
Gareth Belling and Alison Kardash. 4. Tamara Zurvas and Gemma Pearce. 5. Terri Crilly and Janessa Kimlin. Ref: 57750787 Brief: NAWIC Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) licenced copy City South ...
Alison Kardash Temporary Receptionist/Clerk Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District PO Box 1535 24 McDougall St., 1st Level MILTON Qld 4064
Alison Kardash : Business Development: Project Co-ordinator Education : Dr Philip Barker: Lauren McKean : Finance Manager: Finance Administrator
As guests relax in the Grand Ballroom at Tattersalls Club, Queensland Ballets Alison Kardash will guide us through the afternoon as our musicians share their ...
Gareth Belling and Alison Kardash. 4. Tamara Zurvas and Gemma Pearce. 5. Terri Crilly and Janessa Kimlin. Ref: 57750787 Brief: NAWIC Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) licenced copy ...