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ASEG Extended Abstracts ... The Role of Rock Physics Modelling for the Enfield 4D Seismic Angelika-M. Wulff, Andre Gerhardt, Tom Ridsdill-Smith and Megan Smith
Megan Smith, Andre Gerhardt, Laurent Bourdon and Benjamin Mee Abstract The Enfield oil field, located in the North West Shelf, Australia, began production in July 2006.
Andre Gerhardt Greg Street: Editor: Norm Uren: Sponsorship/Exhibition: Megan Evans Brett Johnson Craig Annison Carina Simmat Laurence Hansen: Publicity: Mike McLerie
... Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre WESTERN AUSTRALIA 18 - 22 NOVEMBER 2007 & COMMITTEE MEMBERS Co-Chairs Brian Evans Howard Golden Technical Papers Kim Frankcombe Andre Gerhardt Greg Street ...
2 Platinum Sponsors: Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsors: Bronze Sponsors: sponsors Co-Chairs Brian Evans Howard Golden Technical Papers Kim Frankcombe Andre Gerhardt Greg Street ...
ASEG Extended Abstracts ... The Role of Rock Physics Modelling for the Enfield 4D Seismic Angelika-M. Wulff, Andre Gerhardt, Tom Ridsdill-Smith and Megan Smith
Megan Smith, Andre Gerhardt, Laurent Bourdon and Benjamin Mee Abstract The Enfield oil field, located in the North West Shelf, Australia, began production in ...
Andre Gerhardt Greg Street: Editor: Norm Uren: Sponsorship/Exhibition: Megan Evans Brett Johnson Craig Annison Carina Simmat Laurence Hansen: Publicity: Mike McLerie
CSIRO (Government Agency; Research industry): Senior Researcher, (2001-2004)
Petrobras (Public Company; PBR; Oil &...