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Chair: Andrea Perry-Petersen, Training Coordinator, QPILCH Presenters: Teresa Dyson, Partner, Blake Dawson; Rosalie Cattermole, Lawyer, Blake Dawson
For further details contact: Andrea Perry-Petersen, QPILCH Training Coordinator, 07 3846 6317 or [email protected] Specifics of "Taxation Issues" for Not-for-Profits As places ...
Chair: Andrea Perry-Petersen, Training Coordinator, QPILCH. Presenters: Teresa Dyson, Partner, Blake Dawson Steven ...
"The challenges and triumphs" by Andrea Perry-Petersen, Training Coordinator Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House Incorporated
Andrea Perry-Petersen, Training Coordinator, Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House Incorporated; Report Card on Family Ralationship Centres
Chair: Andrea Perry-Petersen, Training Coordinator, QPILCH Presenters: Teresa Dyson, Partner, Blake Dawson; Rosalie Cattermole, Lawyer, Blake Dawson
For further details contact: Andrea Perry-Petersen, QPILCH Training Coordinator, 07 3846 6317 or [email protected] Specifics of "Taxation Issues" for Not-for-Profits As ...
Chair: Andrea Perry-Petersen, Training Coordinator, QPILCH. Presenters: Teresa Dyson, Partner, Blake Dawson ...
Oxfam (Non-Profit; 5001-10,000 employees; Non-Profit Organization Management industry): Office Coordinator, (2000-2006)
Oxfam (Non-Profit; 5001-10,000 employees; Non-Profit Organization Management industry): Office Coordinator, (2000-2006)
Amnesty International (Non-Profit; 5001-10,00...