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Our cover features CEO Dennis Muscat and CSIA's 2004 Customer Service Manger of the Year, Bruce Pyke -Pacifi c Internet's Customer Operations Director.
Research papers and references on Climate Change and Cotton available below. ... Bruce Pyke
Neil Forrester, NSW Dept of Agriculture 067 991 500 Bruce Pyke, Cotton R&D Corporation 067 924 088 Claire Braund, Cotton Australia 02 9319 3677
Bruce Pyke CRDC Dr Greg Constable, CSIRO Dr David Murray, QDPI & F Assoc. Prof Robin Jessop, UNE Prof Henry Nix, ANU CRES Phil Price, Mackellar Consulting Group
Oliver G. G. Knox A E, Greg A. Constable B, Bruce Pyke C, V. V. S. R. Gupta D A CSIRO Entomology, Locked Bag 59, Narrabri, NSW 2390, Australia.
Research papers and references on Climate Change and Cotton available below. ... Bruce Pyke
Our cover features CEO Dennis Muscat and CSIA's 2004 Customer Service Manger of the Year, Bruce Pyke -Pacifi c Internet's Customer Operations Director.
Bruce Pyke: General Manager - Business & Finance: Graeme Tolson : Project administration manager: Marg Wheeler: Manager - Communications & Capacity Investment
Adelaide Bank (Public Company; Banking industry): Senior Windows Technical Consultant, (2004-Present)
Phoenix IT Services (Public Company;...