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Erica Townsend has been appointed as the new Event Manager. Erica has commenced planning for the Festival and the Grand opening of the Maritime Centre.
For more information and images: Sydney Heritage Fleet, Sybil Edwards 9298-3868 or 0412 445 189 Erica Townsend - Festival Event Manager. 0411 461 075
... of a site reservation form does not imply automatic acceptance. The Maritime Committee reserves the right to refuse any application. • For information contact Erica Townsend 0411 ...
Festival Contact: - Erica Townsend 0411 461075 or Jeanne Walls 0412 275707 A word from our President, The Hon. Peter Morris. "We are aiming to create at our Maritime Centre a world ...
Newcastle Harbour and Foreshore: Contact Details: Erica Townsend - Event Manager - 0411 461 075 [email protected] Date Added
Organised by: Australia Day Newcastle Maritime Festival 2011. Contact name: Erica Townsend. Phone: 0411 461 075. Email: [email protected]
Erica Townsend has been appointed as the new Event Manager. Erica has commenced planning for the Festival and the Grand opening of the Maritime Centre.
Contact: Maritime Centre Newcastle on (02) 4929 2588 or the Event Manager, Erica Townsend on 0411 461 075. ou can visit the website at