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Councillor Graeme Macmillan - Telephone ... Telephone 0428 342 306
Councillor Graeme Macmillan, Manningham City Council : Councillor Sharon Ellis (Deputy Chair), Whitehorse City Council : Councillor Raylene Carr, Whitehorse City Council
Graeme MacMillan's introduction and summing up Geoff Gough seconds the motion David Ellis speaks against Ivan Reid speaks in favour Stephen Mayne speaks against
Cr Graeme Macmillan Cr Stephen Mayne Cr Ivan Reid. Chief Executive Officer: Lydia Wilson. Area: 114 sq km. Population: ABS ERP June 2008: 116,983..
Top row (l to r): David Ellis; Graeme Macmillan; Fred Chuah JP (Deputy Mayor); Ivan Reid;
Councillor Graeme Macmillan - Telephone ... Telephone 0428 342 306
Councillor Graeme Macmillan, Manningham City Council : Councillor Sharon Ellis (Deputy Chair), Whitehorse City Council : Councillor Raylene Carr, Whitehorse City Council
The other 4 members of the ruling clique include fellow Labor councillors Meg Downie and Ivan Reid, along with former Liberal Graeme MacMillan and deputy mayor Fred Chuah