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Champions of Krishna's Army (CHAKRA) serving the Vaisnava Community with truthful news, events, interviews, calendars, editorials, in depth coverage of issues.
By Hari-sauri dasa. CHAKRA (Mayapur, India) - It has come to my attention that some rather disparaging remarks have been aimed at me by Sriman Adridharana dasa, the ...
From Srila Prabhupada via Hari Sauri's blog... Q15) Does Tulasi sleep? Should she be left undisturbed after nightfall? A: Undisturbed means what?
from Hari-sauri dasa Posted June 15, 2004 [The following is a response to an article on entitled "Only the Unattainable Guru Makes No Mistakes," by Ananda dasa.
He was considering recording the writings so that they could be easily transcribed, but with his throat in such a condition it may not be possible. Your humble servant Hari-sauri ...
Champions of Krishna's Army (CHAKRA) serving the Vaisnava Community with truthful news, events, interviews, calendars, editorials, in depth coverage of issues.
Champions of Krishna's Army (CHAKRA) serving the Vaisnava Community with truthful news, events, interviews, calendars, editorials, in depth coverage of issues.
to Hari-Sauri Dasa Posted Oct 8, 2005 Bangkok Ratha-Yatra Photos from Swami B.V.V. Narasimha Posted Oct 3, 2005 The Temporary Hospice Fund Is Working