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Helen BALDWIN auction sale prices and results available at Australian Art Auction Records Pty. Ltd, including New Zealand provides world leading auction sales data ...
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Trove: Find and get Australian resources. Books, images, historic newspapers, maps, archives and more.
Helen BALDWIN (1912 - ) Australian | Female Artist (commercial) | Artist (painter) | Artist (portrait) | Artist (water-colouristist) | Embroiderer | Illustrator | Writer Worked ...
Illustrated with paitings by Helen Baldwin. Children of the Dreamtime presents a vivid picture of the aboriginal people of central Australia, their way of life and the environment ...
Helen BALDWIN auction sale prices and results available at Australian Art Auction Records Pty. Ltd, including New Zealand provides world leading auction ...
Trove: Find and get Australian resources. Books, images, historic newspapers, maps, archives and more.
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