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This list shows all the titles currently on australianscreen that include James Elliott in a principal role. It is not a comprehensive screenography.
David James Elliott and wife Nanci and daughter Stephanie taking surfing lessons in Surfers Paradise at the Cheyne Horan school of surf
Rent films starring James Elliot from BigPond Movies - our online DVD rental services featuring free delivery anywhere in Australia and free return post
James Elliott took the stage after lunch to give us a run down on Deloitte's (Update: to clarify this is only the Australian operation and does not reflect the...
David James Elliott: No Stranger To Our Screens . Union Recorder [10 May 1999] (published by University of Sydney Union) David James Elliott stars as Lieutenant-Commander ...
This list shows all the titles currently on australianscreen that include James Elliott in a principal role. It is not a comprehensive screenography.
David James Elliott and wife Nanci and daughter Stephanie taking surfing lessons in Surfers Paradise at the Cheyne Horan school of surf
Rent films starring James Elliot from BigPond Movies - our online DVD rental services featuring free delivery anywhere in Australia and free return post
We help our clients make the best possible jewelry selection. By understanding the materials selected, the different methods of manufacturing, ...
21 Feb 2009 ... When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach, California, would-be robber James Elliot ...
Romac (voice) (as David James Elliot). 2000 Stanley's Gig Record Store Clerk .... Alternate Names: David James Elliot | David Elliot | David Elliott ...
James or Jim Elliot(t) may refer to: James Elliot (footballer), (aka. James Elliot Donnelly) (born c.1890) English football player and coach. ...
David James Elliott (born September 21, 1960) is a Canadian-born actor who ...
Professor James Elliot uses the techniques of planetary astronomy, particularly stellar occultations, to probe planetary atmospheres and the physical ...
AKA: David James Elliot, David Smith. Born on 21 September 1960 in Canada, .... Oh yes, David James Elliot is one of my favorite men in a navy uniform. ...
elliot james (Elliot James)'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans.
David James Elliott Pictures, Filmography, News, Videos.
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