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Julian Bickersteth was educated at Oxford University before completing a diploma in materials conservation, specialising in furniture. In 1983 he joined the conservation department ...
Julian Bickersteth is recognised internationally as a leader in the field of cultural conservation and preservation.
Julian Bickersteth MA (Oxon), Dip. Cons., FIIC, FRSA, AAICCM Managing Director J:\05 Division\05 Admin\Marketing\CV\WordMasterCVs\ICScvBickersteth (Dec 09).doc K EY E XPERIENCE Julian is ...
December 6-12 2007 | 52 | December 6-12 2007 53 Competitive retailers need to connect with their customers at every sensory level to succeed.
D IRECTORS The following Directors held office during the financial year and to the date of this report: Dr. Zeny Edwards (President), Julian Bickersteth (Deputy President), William ...
Julian Bickersteth was educated at Oxford University before completing a diploma in materials conservation, specialising in furniture. In 1983 he joined the conservation ...
Julian Bickersteth MA (Oxon), Dip. Cons., FIIC, FRSA, AAICCM Managing Director J:\05 Division\05 Admin\Marketing\CV\WordMasterCVs\ICScvBickersteth (Dec 09).doc K EY E XPERIENCE ...
Julian Bickersteth is recognised internationally as a leader in the field of cultural conservation and preservation.
International Conservation Services (Museums and Institutions industry): Managing director, (September 1986-Present) consulting in musuem growth, collection development, and application of new technologi...