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You can contact the Victorian EIO Lance D Hately on: TTY: 03 9473 1149 Ph: 03 9473 1160 SMS/Mob: 0402 016 185 Email: [email protected]
P 03 9473 1160 | TTY 03 9473 1149 | F 03 9473 1144 SMS Only: 0438 580 615 (new number) [email protected] |
Lance Hately def Steve Frazier 2-9, 9-4, 9-0, 9-2 2. Richard Pearce def David Wood 9-3, 9-1, 9-1 3. Brent Phillips lost to Hans-Peter Hollstien 10-8, 1-9, 4-9, 1-9
... 31 August - 31 October only) 0438 140 842 0408 162 794 [email protected] [email protected] Netball Marnie Kerridge 0418 532 932 [email protected] Squash Lance Hately ...
Australia Lance Hately Ben Bruggy Anthony Stanford Chris Storer Damien Walters Peter Walters Dean McKenna... Deaf Sports Australia - - 16/2/2010
You can contact the Victorian EIO Lance D Hately on: TTY: 03 9473 1149 Ph: 03 9473 1160 SMS/Mob: 0402 016 185 Email:
Further contact Lance Hately the Coordinator of Deaf Cycling at or Coordinator of DSA Cindy Cave at [email protected]
Lance Hately attended from the National Relay Service to help ensure that wherever it is necessary people are using this valuable service.
National Relay Service (Non-Profit; Telecommunications industry): Education & Information Officer, (1997-Present) Conducting training sessions ...