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JCA held a Major Donor Dinner on Wednesday 23 June 2010. This event was kindly hosted by Michael and Lianne Graf.
... regularly and his brother lives in the next suburb - though we have yet to have a play date. Thank you again for breeding such a beautiful dog. Regards Lianne Graf
Lianne Graf gave $50 and says 'Happy trails! :)' Gillian Clair gave $20 and says 'Watch out for the snakes/spiders/rabid possums.....good work!' Anonymous gave $25
Ms Lianne Graf. Ms Margo Graham. Jennifer Grant. Catherine Green. Mr Geoffrey M Greenbaum. Mrs Elaine Greenhall. Miss Pauline Griffin. His Honour Peter Grogan & Mrs Valerie Grogan AM
To be part of the team and for more information please ... This event was kindly hosted by Michael and Lianne Graf. ... donors was held at the home of Ivan and Vera ...
Ms Lianne Graf. Ms Margo Graham. Jennifer Grant. Catherine Green. Mr Geoffrey M Greenbaum. Mrs Elaine Greenhall. Miss Pauline Griffin. His Honour Peter Grogan & Mrs Valerie Grogan AM
... and his brother lives in the next suburb - though we have yet to have a play date. Thank you again for breeding such a beautiful dog. Regards Lianne Graf