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Quoting Marek Winiarski <[email protected]>: > Is there a software that can be used to edit video movies There's a whole range of software that can do this, I'll go ...
Marek Winiarski Wed, 17 Mar 1999 17:15:35 PST [ProgSoc] arguments to webpages. Vik Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:27:31 +1100 (EST) Adrian Lewin Thu, 18 Mar 1999 01:06:59 +0100
Quoting Marek Winiarski <[email protected]>: > Is there a software that can be used to edit video movies There's a whole range of software that can do this, I ...
Re: [ProgSoc] Video Editing Marek Winiarski; Re: [ProgSoc] Video Editing Matt ; No Subject Lostsoul [ProgSoc] Re: Piers Johnson [ProgSoc] Lotus Notes mail server Q miKe