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Lady Mary Teviot and Margaret Greenwood. An Afternoon Tea wth Lady Teviot - 22nd Feb 2009
Name: Margaret GREENWOOD Born: 1842 at: GOULBURN, NSW., Australia Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Hand crafted platter by Eamonn Vereker: Figurines by Margaret Greenwood: Scent Bottles by John Shunmann: Glassware by Eileen Gordon: Opaline Range by Eileen Gordon
Client Services Manager - Jade - Margaret Greenwood [email protected] Client Services Manager - Ruby - Graham Custance [email protected]
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Descendants of John Jackson are interested in building up their knowledge of the family of John Jackson, son of Christopher Jackson and Margaret Greenwood.
Karl William THOMSON married Joyce Margaret GREENWOOD, children . Mark Thomson; Maria Thomson..... info from maria d'mello [email protected]
Hand crafted platter by Eamonn Vereker: Figurines by Margaret Greenwood: Scent Bottles by John Shunmann: Glassware by Eileen Gordon: Opaline Range by Eileen Gordon