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In 2010 Sr Maureen celebrated 40 years professed as a Sister of St Joseph. Find out more about Sr Maureen, her history, her life and her hopes for the future.
Note: Dates for living people have been suppressed for privacy reasons.
14/10/2010. Eleanor Gershevitch is the winner of the 2010 Voice of Youth Competition ... Sr Maureen O'Halloran Sisters of St Joseph OLN School Lawson
Contact: Maureen O'Halloran 07 5435 0171 [email protected]. Kathryn's Bed and Breakfast Two rooms available, both with twin beds.
Contact: Maureen O'Halloran 07 5435 0171 [email protected]. Kathryn's Bed and Breakfast Two rooms available, both with twin beds.
Note: Dates for living people have been suppressed for privacy reasons.
Contact: Maureen O'Halloran 07 5435 0171 [email protected]. Kathryn's Bed and Breakfast Two rooms available, both with twin beds.
Leo Murphy, Maureen O’ Halloran, Beth Flynn, Lisa Leonard, Nellie Leonard and Trish White. We also visited the Boral Quarry and received some information from ...