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Michael Jenkins' current collection consists of works constructed from PVC, timber and metal.
For emerging Melbourne artist, Michael Jenkins, a keen eye for cutting-edge residential and commercial building design, including pioneering ground-breaking 'shop top' innovations ...
Rent films by Michael Jenkins from BigPond Movies - our online DVD rental services featuring free delivery anywhere in Australia and free return post.
Information about Michael Jenkins, including biography, list of works, current stock (including images), and order information.
PEPPERS Salt Resort & Spa has announced the appointment of Michael Jenkins to the position of Executive Chef of its new restaurant, Roughie’s Restaurant and Bar.
Michael Jenkins' current collection consists of works constructed from PVC, timber and metal.
For emerging Melbourne artist, Michael Jenkins, a keen eye for cutting-edge residential and commercial building design, including pioneering ground-breaking 'shop top ...
Rent films by Michael Jenkins from BigPond Movies - our online DVD rental services featuring free delivery anywhere in Australia and free return post.