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Nicholas Dang 60m hurdles . Harry Menin Shot Put, Discus . Jack Menin Shot Put, Discus. Rebekah Meafou Shot Put. U10: Angus Beevers 70m, High Jump
... Belt Juniors 1 st Justin Low 2 nd Nhan Nguyen 3 rd Sam Mangelsdorf 1 st Sarah Fitzgerald-Holmes 2 nd Amy Phillips 3 rd Zoe Ravensberg 3 rd Loren McClory 1 st Phillip Le 2 nd Henry Tucker 3 rd Nicholas Dang ...
Nicholas Dang. Harry Menin. U9. James Hirsch. Quentin Cheng. Brad Doherty. Truman Ng. U10. Bradley Wright. Nathan Ward. Robert Kobeissi
Competitor Name Rank Events State Junior Bob Billing 1 st Degree Sparring WA Nicholas Dang 1 st Degree Patterns/Sparring NSW Nicola Eade 1 st Degree Patterns/Sparring/Special Tech WA Phillip Le 2 nd ...
... Angela Permezel 3 rd Letitia Ervine 3 rd Emily Clucas 3 rd Serene Heka Boys White to Green-tip Boys Green and above 1 st Keith Lau 1 st Joshua Astawa 2 nd Liam Maher 2 nd Nicholas Dang 3 rd James Hickry ...
... Justin Low 2 nd Nhan Nguyen 3 rd Sam Mangelsdorf 1 st Sarah Fitzgerald-Holmes 2 nd Amy Phillips 3 rd Zoe Ravensberg 3 rd Loren McClory 1 st Phillip Le 2 nd Henry Tucker 3 rd Nicholas Dang Coloured ...
One of our top performer of the day was Nicholas Dang. He fought his way into the final and had a great match with some very experience exponents.
Nicholas Dang. Harry Menin. U9. James Hirsch. Quentin Cheng. Brad Doherty. Truman Ng. U10. Bradley Wright. Nathan Ward. Robert Kobeissi
peoplesoft australia (Public Company; Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry): operations, (2004-2005)