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By Nick McClelland. Ideal moisture levels across most of eastern Australia are expected to provide favourable conditions for cereal production in spring while also enhancing foliar ...
By Nick McClelland. Young Jack Loader, pictured with his prize a die cast John Deere tractor, was the winner of the AFIA Guess the Bale Weight Competition at the Elmore Field Days.
Australian Fodder Industry Association industry development manager Nick McClelland said locusts also posed a threat to hay production areas, such as those in western Victoria.
Nick McClelland----- 2007 sale. Tim Johnston and Tim Leeming----- 2009 sale, the 23 rd annual sale. There will be at least two new vendors on the 5 th November.
Industry development officer for the Australian Fodder Industry Association, Nick McClelland, says sprays around hatching time shouldn't coincide with hay-cutting season, but ...
Nick McClelland: PDF version (2,873Kb) N/A: 4 Jan 2010: Summer 2010 Newsletter: Nick McClelland: PDF version (1,040Kb) N/A: 7 Apr 2008: Summer 2008: Duncan Handley
Nick McClelland: N/A: PDF version (251Kb) 28 Jun 2010: Reformed Constitution - June 2010 This is the reformed constitution approved by members at the Special General Meeting of ...
... 350 Gnarpurt Rd, CAMPERDOWN, 3260 Flock No: 62 Ph: (03) 5594 8225 Fax: (03) 5594 8225 Mobile: 0411 599 410 Email: Contacts: Nick ...