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The School offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, taught on-campus and via distance education.
Norman Gaywood. I suppose you can call this a homepage. It's mostly used for playing with HTML, CGI, etc. I must admit that I do like perl. Here's a horrible picture or two.
Norman Gaywood: X2412: [email protected]: Barney St,Armidale: Chris Radford: X3231: [email protected]: MiddleFarm RD Armidale: Bruce Tanti: ext 4048: [email protected]
Margaret McDonald the Oce Manager of the Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science School re-typed the text in L A T E X. Norman Gaywood from Mathematics, Statistics and Computer ...
From: Norman Gaywood; Messages sorted by: [ date | thread] Prev by Date: Re: [SLUG] Xinerama and fonts; Next by Date: RE: [SLUG] upgrading RAM, what do about swapper partition ?
Norman Gaywood. I suppose you can call this a homepage. It's mostly used for playing with HTML, CGI, etc. I must admit that I do like perl. Here's a horrible picture or two
The School offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, taught on-campus and via distance education.
Mr Norman Gaywood. Senior Systems Administrator. norman.gaywood +61 2 6773 2412. Mr Craig Lawlor. Technical Officer. clawlor +61 2 6773 5003. Mr Patrick Littlefield
Vol. 16, No. 2 - 48 pages - MagazineThis month, Norman Gaywood describes . forward files, and the mail loops thev ... How to stir up a storm with email forwarding Norman Gaywood Department of ...