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Dr Piyadasa Edirisuriya. BEc Sri Lanka DipEcon UNE MEc UNE PhD La Trobe. Lecturer
Dr Piyadasa Edirisuriya: Org. Unit: Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business and Economics Email: [email protected]
... of a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered by AFF5050. Assessment. Within semester assessment: 60% Examination (3 hours): 40% Chief examiner(s) Piyadasa Edirisuriya
Chief examiner(s) Piyadasa Edirisuriya. Contact hours. 3 hours per week Prohibitions. AFC2000, AFC1100 (pre 2009), AFC2100 (pre 2009), AFG1300, AFW1300
Dr Piyadasa Edirisuriya: Dr Shrimal Perera: 31/12/2010: Dr Phillip Gharghori: Dr Hue Hwa Au Yong: 31/12/2010: Associate Professor Paul Lajbcygier: Dr Poonam Bir
Dr Piyadasa Edirisuriya. BEc Sri Lanka DipEcon UNE MEc UNE PhD La Trobe. Lecturer
Dr Piyadasa Edirisuriya: Org. Unit: Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business and Economics Email:
Dr Piyadasa Edirisuriya. Banking performance in emerging markets, corruption and financial deregulation and financial developments in South Asia.