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Written and Performed by Ray Swann, Directed by Richard Sallis, Script Development and Direction by Andreas Litras - - - - Ray Swann is the founder of Identity Theatre, a theatre ...
... makes a significant positive impact for the school community and look forward greatly to the performing, discussing and reliving of this event. Ray Swann
Toorak College - eNews Issue 7 - 9th August 2006 ... Ray Swann Community Connections [email protected] 97887212
Anthony (Gramps) Pearson. Dave Alford. Keren Bell. Peter Karpati. Ray Swann. Vicki Hulands . Odyssey Coordinator
Ulysses 2008 AGM - Townsville IT'S not the destination - it's the journey the people you meet - by Ray Swann " you are in Townsville. Don't face the sea.
Written and Performed by Ray Swann, Directed by Richard Sallis, Script Development and Direction by Andreas Litras - - - - Ray Swann is the founder of Identity Theatre, a ...
After receiving over 500 spectacular and bizarre entries into the competition ... Ray Swann / Emerald / Queensland Australia
ITS not the destination its the journey and the people you meet by Ray Swann CLONCURRY C-L-O-N-C-U-R-R-Y! No, you are in Townsville.