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September 25 th 2001 (RM = Robyn MacDougall, NM = Noel MacDougall, EM = Ernie Maskey, FN = Frank Nicholas, VC = Velda Chaplin, LH = Les Hume, GB = Graeme Baldwin, BN = Brad Nesbitt) RM ...
In the 1970s, he saw one or two horses in the area of Main Water Creek and Housewater Creek. 55This paragraph is taken almost verbatim from Robyn MacDougall's document 56Personal ...
In the 1970s, he saw one or two horses in the area of Main Water Creek and Housewater Creek. 55This paragraph is taken almost verbatim from Robyn MacDougall's document 56Personal ...
... the Chards of Glen View, Pinkett; Fred Cox of Gregadoo, Deepwater; Rod Newsome of Sherwood, Deepwater; Alistair MacDougall of Marenga Station, Hernani; Graham and Robyn MacDougall ...
Mr Speaker (The Hon. John Henry Murray) took the chair at 2.15 p.m. Mr Speaker offered the Prayer.
Robyn McDougall Public Relations Manager, Marketing and Communications Charles Darwin University T: 08 8946 6551 M: 0439 675 567 E:
By Robyn McDougall. The quality of research at Charles Darwin University is recognised in a new international ranking of universities. The Spain-based SCImago Institutions ...
Media contacts: Robyn McDougall, Publicity Office, UNE, Armidale, (02) 6773 3402. Dr Andrew Boulton (02) 6773 3760, fax (02) 6773 2769 or email