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Event publicist Sian Delaney assists event Camera Crew; Cape to Cape MTB participants set off under the banner; A rider misjudges an obstacle
For more information, images and interview opportunities please contact : Sian Delaney (Event Publicist): (+618) 94438611 (+61) 413430430 med [email protected]
210670 Sian Delaney from Perth, Australia - signed petition on 5th July 2006; 210669 Fiona Hay from Perth, Australia - signed petition on 5th July 2006
• Sian Delaney and Jason Dover of PR company, Buzz Marketing will be working with WAIS and the media to bring everyone up-to-the-minute news of our WA athletes.
... Peter Tuck, Andrew Wotherspoon and TAFE, WA Police Department, Eagles Boy Pizzas, Steven Sunderland and 94.5FM, ABC Television – Melbourne, Jason Dover, Sian Delaney, Erin ...
... Peter Tuck, Andrew Wotherspoon and TAFE, WA Police Department, Eagles Boy Pizzas, Steven Sunderland and 94.5FM, ABC Television – Melbourne, Jason Dover, Sian Delaney ...
Event publicist Sian Delaney assists event Camera Crew; Cape to Cape MTB participants set off under the banner; A rider misjudges an obstacle
210670 Sian Delaney from Perth, Australia - signed petition on 5th July 2006; 210669 Fiona Hay from Perth, Australia - signed petition on 5th July 2006