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Dr Russ Harris is Australia's foremost provider of training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - a powerful new psychological approach based on mindfulness skills.
The publications collection information is submitted to DEST which uses the information in its performance based funding to Deakin in the Institutional Grants Scheme and the ...
Dr. Sonia Zammit; Accupuncture: Prickle Me Acupuncture; Podiatry: AFA Podiatry; Located at our Hawthorn site, 378 Burwood Road we offer: Social Workers:
Sonia Zammit Email: [email protected] Phone: 94291811 Location: Richmond. Rosemary Selkirk Email: [email protected] Phone: 03 96860440
Sonia Zammit, richmond, VIC: Steve de Lisle, Melbourne, VIC: Strategic Psychology, Canberra City, ACT: Sue England, Sydney, NSW: Sue Travers, , Sue Vandenberg, Newcastle / Charlestown, NSW
Dr Russ Harris is Australia's foremost provider of training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - a powerful new psychological approach based on mindfulness skills.
Dr. Sonia Zammit; Accupuncture: Prickle Me Acupuncture; Podiatry: AFA Podiatry; Located at our Hawthorn site, 378 Burwood Road we offer: Social Workers:
Sonia Zammit, richmond, VIC: Steve de Lisle, Melbourne, VIC: Strategic Psychology, Canberra City, ACT: Sue England, Sydney, NSW: Sue Travers, , Sue Vandenberg, Newcastle ...
Sonia Zammit is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Sonia Zammit and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the ...
View the profiles of professionals named Sonia Zammit on LinkedIn. There are 3 professionals named Sonia Zammit, who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ...
Australia - --View Sonia Zammit's (Australia) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn ...
Malta - Head of Strategic Purchasing at Carlo Gavazzi LimitedView Sonia Zammit's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world ...
People named Sonia Zammit. Find the person you're looking for and related people.
Sonia Zammit. Steve Zammit. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) . ...
Email: [email protected]. Qualification / Job Title. Clinical Psychologist. Employer. Private Practice. ACT Background and Training ...
25 May 2009 ... Congratulations Dr. Sonia Zammit! I guess the title explains it all. Sonia graduated on friday night, just in time before we head off ...
9 Mar 2006 ... Sonia Zammit's Profile - Sonia - Zammit - August 23 1970 - Female.