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William Steele/Abbie Wood/Kings family history & genealogy message board. Hosted by Forum of community contributed messages helping members research the William ...
We know Rosella and Rosalinda are in Millie Wesson’s household in 1880, and no longer living with William Steele as they were on the 1870 census.
2003 Australia's ambivalence towards Asia : politics, neo/post-colonialism, and fact/fiction / J.V. D'Cruz and William Steele Monash Asia Institute, Clayton, Vic. :
All enquiries to [email protected]
alan william steele family trust bingley nominees pty ltd atf alan william steele family trust marate nominees pty ltd r.a.s. investments pty ltd
We know Rosella and Rosalinda are in Millie Wessons household in 1880, and no longer living with William Steele as they were on the 1870 census.
Martha Jane married William Steele between 1866 and 1867. She died in 1868, during childbirth. The two daughters of Dunnan and Martha Jane, named Rosella (Elvis' great ...
2003 Australia's ambivalence towards Asia : politics, neo/post-colonialism, and fact/fiction / J.V. D'Cruz and William Steele Monash Asia Institute, Clayton, Vic. :