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2.5.18: Zia Moghaddam ; 2.5.20: Essam Rahali; 2.6: Masters. 2.6.1: Israt Fatema; 2.6.1: Gina Paola Navarrete Guzman; 2.6.2: Mahmood Akache; 2.6.3: Prashant Prabhulal Gami
2.5.18: Zia Moghaddam ; 2.5.20: Essam Rahali; 2.6: Masters. 2.6.1: Israt Fatema; 2.6.1: Gina Paola Navarrete Guzman; 2.6.2: Mahmood Akache; 2.6.3: Prashant Prabhulal Gami
Zia Moghaddam: PhD Student. Supervisor: Massimo Piccardi: Email : [email protected]: Homepage : Research Interest : Activity recognition, MPEG-7
H. Gunes and M. Piccardi, "Bi-modal emotion recognition from expressive face and body gestures", in press on Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, Elsevier.
Zafar Mehboob; Zhengyu Yu; Zia Moghaddam; Previous students. Andrew Bucknell; Frank Jiang; Janet Lu; Jeffrey Tsui; Maen Takruri; Mo (Kenneth) Li; Mohammad Momani
Zia Moghaddam: PhD Student. Supervisor: Massimo Piccardi: Email : Homepage : Research Interest : Activity recognition, MPEG-7
Mr. Moghaddam, Zia: PhD Student, Supervisor: Massimo Piccardi: Email : Homepage : Research Interest : Activity recognition, MPEG-7
2.5.18: Zia Moghaddam ; 2.5.20: Essam Rahali; 2.6: Masters. 2.6.1: Israt Fatema; 2.6.1: Gina Paola Navarrete Guzman; 2.6.2: Mahmood Akache; 2.6.3: Prashant Prabhulal Gami
Zia Moghaddam. BSc Computer Engineering, MSc Computer Engineering ... E-mail: [email protected]; Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Piccardi (Faculty IT) ...
Zia Moghaddam, PhD Student. Supervisor: Massimo Piccardi. Email, Zia ...
Friends: Mahnaz Adlpour, Saber Haji, Sahaeb Aqajeri, Masoud Bahrami, Maysam LavasaniZia Moghaddam is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Zia Moghaddam and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the ...
Friends: Piroz Teymouri, Melany Shady, Mahshad Agha Hoseyni, Amir Jabbari, Ramin ShaahAidin Zia Moghaddam is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Aidin Zia ...
Sydney Area, Australia - Student at University of Technology, SydneyView zia moghaddam's (Australia) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like zia ...
Zia Moghaddam, Massimo Piccardi: Deterministic Initialization of Hidden Markov Models for Human Action Recognition. DICTA 2009: 188-195 ...
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Researcher » Zia Moghaddam, Australia, Computer sciences.
by Z Moghaddam -
Emad Semiconductor Co. (Information Technology and Services industry): Digital IC Designer, (May 1999-July 2003)